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Jewish Buffalo
Kosher Food
All places listed are under the supervision of the BVK
2640 N Forest Rd.
Dairy cafe and catering.
Pas Yisroel, Cholov Yisroel.
Luscious by Lori
Dairy catering and meals to order.
3980 Maple Rd., Amherst, NY
Deli, salads, soup, platters, and small catering.
Tables for dining or take out.
12-6 daily, Fridays 12-3
NY Deli & Diner
Basement of Talbert Hall/ UB North Campus
Tops Bakery
3980 Maple Rd.
Pas Yisroel Parve & chalav stam dairy available (see letter below).
Mikvah of Buffalo
1019 Maple Rd., Williamsville, NY 14221
Women's Mikvah
By Appointment Only
716-908-8972 or 716-688-6566
Men's Mikvah
Sunday-Thursday until 11:30am
Erev Shabbat/Yom Tov until Sundown.
716-632-0467 or 716-583-2524
Kelim Mikvah
Sunday-Thursday from Noon - Sundown
All items must be thoroughly cleaned and stickers removed before toveling.

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